Luftgekühlt 5
Photography from the amazing Luftgekühlt 5 event held April 22, 2018 put on by Patrick Long, Howie Idelson, and Jeff Zwart. This year’s venue was the cleanest lumber yard I’ve ever been to, Ganahl Lumber. It proved to be a perfect venue contrasting the raw building materials with hundreds of some of the most refined vehicles ever made, air cooled Porsches. I ended up getting the majority of my best photos the night before the event itself while they were unloading and setting up. The dusk lighting graced us with a stunning sunset, and the artificial lights around the lumber yard at night turned out to be very photogenic for the cars. Luft5 itself was overwhelming with the number of drool-worthy Porsches everywhere you looked. Please enjoy my photography of this epic event, and comment on my facebook post with your favorites. Thanks!
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