Chimney Peak Wilderness Time Lapse

Here’s my most recent time lapse project from a short trip last week out to the Chimney Peak Wilderness in the southern Sierra. As usual, the big grand moving camera shots were done with my Dynamic Perception rig and all cameras were Sony a7 variations shooting through lots of different […]

Frozen Owens River

Time lapse video shot in the Owens River Valley near Independence, CA across two nights December 28 & 29. Several parts of the river were frozen solid enough to walk on, and definitely solid enough to rest a camera rig on. It was nice to be able to extend the […]

Death Valley Nov. 2015

Time lapse shot over two nights and one day in Death Valley on Lee Flat and on the north side of Hunter Mountain. The big camera moves were on a Dynamic Perception Stage One Plus with pan/tilt Stage R. Cameras were two Sony a7S’s and one Canon 1Dx with too […]

Meteor over Mammoth

Early Sunday morning, October 18, I caught a very rare sight on camera. During a time lapse shot (while I was sleeping) a meteor exploded in the night sky, thankfully within the frame of my 14mm wide lens. The light was very blue-green and bright enough that it lit up […]

North Rim Grand Canyon

Three free days, hmm, what do with them?   They were during the week so nobody else was available to join in, not a problem though.  The decision was more along the lines of, given my limited number of days to take a road/camping trip, where do I really want to […]

Hungry Valley SVRA

About an hour north of Los Angeles is Frazier Mountain containing a large number of great 4×4 trails.  My friend Daniel and I took a day-trip up to this area on Sunday only to find that the entire mountain and all of its trails were closed for the winter.  I […]